12 People Became Victims Of Attacks By Suicide Bombers In Pakistan

As a result of the attack of suicide bombers on a military facility in Haibert Pakhtunhi, at least 12 people were killed in the north-west of Pakistan, including four children, another 30 people were injured.


The incident took place during Iftar (evening meal during the month of Ramazan) near the territory where offices and residential premises of security forces are located.

Merged cars were used to commit an attack.

According to the authorities, during the clashes, the attackers were killed, who tried to penetrate the territory of a military facility.

The explosive wave destroyed the roofs and the walls of a number of nearby buildings. People remain under the wreckage.

In connection with the terrorist attack, an investigation has begun.

According to Dawn, Pakistan Prime Minister Shakhbaz Sharif condemned the attack. “The cowardly terrorists who attacked innocent civilians during the Holy month of Ramadan do not deserve any condescension,” the words of the head of government are given.

As reported, the responsibility for the attack took upon itself the Pakistani branch of the Taliban movement.