At the first auction of the berries of this season, a record of the cost of cherries is set in the Japanese Prefecture Aomori. The box with 15 berries of the cherries of the Juno Heart variety was sold for ¥ 600 thousand (about $ 4,440). Last year, a similar lot went for ¥ 450 thousand, reports The Asahi Shimbun. Thus, the cost of one cherry berry at the auction was $ 296.
The Juno Heart cherries variety is designed by the Aomori Prefecture Research Center specifically so that these berries can be used as an expensive gift. Berries of this variety should be at least 2.8 cm in diameter, have the perfect shape and color, sugar content in them should be 20%.
Those berries of cherries of the Juno Heart variety, the diameter of which is at least 3.1 cm, is called the “Beaming of the Heart of Aomori” and sell especially. It was to this category that the berries sold for the record price belonged. Exclusive berries were purchased by Nagatsuka Seika from Tiba Prefecture, which is engaged in wholesale the sale of fruits and berries. According to the representative of this company, the berries purchased will be sold in one of their stores.