20 more families returned to Azerbaijani Lachyn

In accordance with the instructions of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the return of former forced immigrants to the restored city of Lachyn continues.

On Friday, May 31, the next group was sent from the Garadagsky district of Baku.

At this stage, 20 more families containing 68 people moved to the city of Lachin.

Migrated families will settle in the houses in which they once lived in Lachen, and which were restored after the end of the occupation.

Thus, today 513 families have returned to the city of Lachyn – 1906 people.

May 18, 1992, the strategically important Lachynsky district was occupied by the armed forces of Armenia. As a result of the occupation, the population of the district was subjected to ethnic cleaning, more than 300 troops and civilians were killed and went missing.

As a result of the occupation, 217 cultural, 101 educational, 142 medical institutions, 462 trading and 30 communications, 133 management and enterprises, 5 music schools, one secondary vocational school, two motor transports, two motor transports were plundered and destroyed. Means and various production facilities.

54 monuments of world and more than 200 monuments of republican significance were subjected to vandalism.

As a result of the Second Karabakh War, December 1, 2020, the Lacchinsky district was released from the Armenian occupation.