Historical and cultural heritage, which are under the control of national palaces, became one of the most visited places in 2024 for both local and foreign tourists.
According to the statement made by the Office of National Palaces, the number of visitors to the national palaces in 2024 increased by 20% compared to the previous year, reaching 8 million 709 thousand 27 people, compared with 7,261,241 in 2023.
One of the leading objects of historical heritage became the Topkapa palaces, which was visited by 4,683,250 people, and the Palace Dolmabakhche, who accepted 1 million 384 thousand 383 visitors.
Palace Yildiz, opened for the public on July 19, 2024 by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has met 447,586 local and foreign tourists since the opening.
The summer months attracted 649,460 tourists to the Beylerbey Palace, located on the Asian side, with an open garden and embankment, and Kyuchyuksa Kasra visited 203 thousand 133 people.
The Museum of Painting of National Palaces, which is a mandatory place for art lovers, was visited by 512,674 people, attracting attention with its rich collectible composition, garden and atmosphere.
Ankara-Palas became one of the symbols of the era of the republic, who, since the opening of February 21, 2024, adopted 188,471 visitors. The Museum of Glass and Crystal Art in Bacosis was open for 175,480 people.