4 terrorists are neutralized in Turkish province of Shirnak

During the operation of Bozdoğan -44, in the Baiteshebap area in the Turkish province of Shirnak, four terrorists were neutralized, two of which were in the gray category of wanted persons and one in Orange. This was announced in social networks by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkey Ali Erlika.

According to the minister, the operation was carried out in the rural area of ​​Beetushhebap with the participation of the gendarmerie of the Province of Shirnak.

Yarlikova noted that among the neutralized terrorists: Basri Gene under the coden name “Bryusk”, Sefer was in the code name “Rüste”, Yilmaz Sala under the coden name “Kamuran Gever and a militant under the code name” Dilsoz Rozhilat “.

It was established that the militants took part in a total of 6 terrorist attacks, during which 1 guard and 2 civilians were killed, and 3 guards and 4 civilians were injured, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tutsria said.