663rd Tournament “Kyrkpynar” Starts In Turkey

On Thursday, July 4, in the Turkish province of Edirne, the 663rd tournament for the traditional struggle “Kyrkpynar” starts (a form of freestyle wrestling, in which the body of the fighter is lubricated with olive oil).

In connection with a change in the format of the competition, the historical tournament will begin with qualifying fights.

The Turkish traditional struggle Federation has previously introduced a new format of qualifying competitions in the LIG style, and therefore this year the tournament in traditional struggle will start not on Friday, as it was earlier, but on Thursday.

Fighters, which were among the 32 best in points scored at the struggle competition organized as part of the league, received the right to directly participate in the Kirkpynar ER tournament in the Sarayichi area.


At the same time, 8 more wrestlers who will receive the right to take part in the 663rd Kyrkpinar oil struggle tournament will be determined by the results of qualifying fights.

32 The best poklivan in the table of the League glasses automatically fall into the Kirkpinar tournament and are divided into four groups depending on the points they score.

In the first round, eight wrestlers of the preliminary round will compete with eight fighters of the fourth group. The winners of this group form the fourth group in the second round. The following is the drawing method.

On Friday, July 5, the fights of the Pekhlivans will take place in 14 categories. At the same time, this type of struggle does not provide for division by weight, since athletes are divided here in growth.

The official opening ceremony of the 663rd Oil Tournament “Kyrkpynar” will be held on Friday, July 5, at 18.00.

The organization will end on Sunday, July 7. On the same day, as part of the final fights, the “main Pahlian” of Turkey will determine.

This year, in a historical event on Kirkpynar Er in the Sarayichi area, 852 fighters will take part in the Sarayichi area.

The fighter who will win the title of “main poklivan” will receive a reward of 550 thousand Turkish lires, the holder of the second place -275 thousand lires, and the third – 140 thousand lire.

The cost of a ticket to the Kyrkpynar historical tournament varies from 400 to 750 lire.

The oil struggle is considered the most ancient sports competition after the Olympic Games, which is held on an ongoing basis. Lovely, 40 tuli warriors entering the vanguard of the army, made a halt in the Edirne area. To pass the time, they started to fight.

At the same time, two brothers Ali and Selim fought for a long time, but could not overcome each other. As a result, both of them fell from fatigue.

Comrades buried fighters in the area of ​​the village of Akhykey. Returning from the campaign, they saw a stream brothers in the place of the graves of the brothers. After that, the area was called Kyrkpynar (40 streams).