95 Ash Shabab Militants Were Neutralized In Somalia

During special operations carried out in the central regions of Somalia, 95 militants of the Ash Shabab terrorist group were eliminated. This was reported by the Ministry of Defense of Somalia.

According to the department, the operations were concentrated in the regions Middle Shabella, Galgudud and Mudug. Security forces freed seven villages from militants.

The statement notes that during the operations carried out in the current month, more than 250 Ash Shabab militants were liquidated.

In particular, in the region the average Shabella was destroyed by 45 militants, and in other regions – 50.

Since 2007, Ash Shabab has been organizing terrorist attacks against the Somali government and the African Union forces in cities and rural areas.

President Somali Hassan Sheikh Mahmud after taking office in 2022 activated the fight against the Ash Shabab terrorist organization.