Ability Of Social Networks To Manipulate Emotions Is In Center Of Discussion

The number of users of social networks, one of the greatest inventions of the Internet era, is becoming more and more from year to year.

According to the STATist online statistics portal, 5 billion people use social networks, while the Earth’s population exceeds 8 billion

These numbers suggest that about 62 % of the world’s population use social networks. According to data, 4 of the 5 most popular social networks in the world belong to an American company and one – Chinese.

Although the level of use of social networks demonstrates dynamic growth, their ability to influence the transformation of people and society continues to remain in the center of discussion.

The correspondent of Anadolu collected information regarding the influence of social networks on the emotional state of users.

According to information published in Forbes in 2014, experts conducted an experiment involving more than 600 thousand users of the social network Facebook.

The study showed that some users of social networks share in their posts only positive and pleasant information, while the other part is more pessimistic posts.

According to the results of a weekly study, it became clear that users of social networks who read their tapes without negative publications themselves published positively colored posts. And those who read posts with negative content more often shared a negative with their friends.

Adam Kramer, a data study specialist, noted that the results showed that Facebook users emotionally affect each other.

According to a study conducted by the Royal Society of British Public Health among people aged 14-24, social networks have both harmful and beneficial effects on users.

According to the study, the most positive platform from applications is YouTube.

YouTube is highly valued for increasing awareness of the state of health of other people, providing access to reliable medical information and reducing the level of depression, anxiety and loneliness of participants.

Meanwhile, the social network Instagram can have a negative impact on young users.

According to the study, the image of people who constantly arrange fun or with the help of filters demonstrate more advanced physical forms, sometimes have a negative impact, especially youth.

Another experiment was conducted by the Instagram platform itself. The results of the experiment kept secret and were disclosed by The Wall Street Journal in 2021. The study revealed the negative impact of Instagram, especially on adolescents.

According to the materials, the danger of social networks lies, in particular, that it exacerbates experiences because of its body more than 30 percent of teenage girls, since Instagram made them feel worse. In addition, many teenagers accuse Instagram of their problems with depression and anxious state.