About 53% of patients with Covid-19 in Azerbaijan accounted for Baku

According to statistics of the infected COVID-19 in Azerbaijan, published on the Koronavirus.info website, most infected by Baku – 52.9 percent.

In the Absheron district, as well as in the lowlands, 12.9 percent of all cases of infection of COVID-19 in the country, Ganja-Gazakh zone – 8 percent, Sheki-Zagataly – 3.3 percent, Guba-Khachmaz – 3 percent, Lankarani – 2.8 percent, Mountain Shirvan – 2.4 percent, Upper Karabakh – 1.4 percent.

The smallest number of infected is still in Nakhchivan – 0.04 percent of the total number of cases of coronavirus infection in Azerbaijan. The number of infected citizens abroad is 0.4 percent.