About 8 Thousand Muslims Rochinya Entered Bangladesh

TUCHENT TUHID Hossein, a foreign government adviser, said that about 8 thousand Muslims of Rochini, forcibly moved in Myanmar, entered Bangladesh.

According to Dhaka Tribune, the foreign adviser Hossein stated at a press conference on this issue that about 8 thousand Muslims of Rochinya, who are fleeing the conflict in the Myanmar state of Rakhain, arrived in Bangladesh.

According to him, the country does not have the opportunity to provide a humanitarian shelter of a larger number of refugees, and it can no longer accept Muslims Rochini.

Hossain said that the border of the country with Myanmar remains closed for intersection, but it is difficult to completely protect the border.

noting that it is necessary to establish a communication channel with the Arakan Army, one of the armed rebel groups fighting with the army of Myanmar in order to “facilitate the return” of Muslims Rochinya. Hossein added that within 2-3 days a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on this issue will take place.

Ethnic cleaning of Muslims Rochinya

In 2012, in the Myanmar state of Rakhain there were clashes between Buddhists and Muslims, thousands of people, mainly Muslims, were killed, and hundreds of houses and jobs were burned.

After attacks on border posts in Rakhain on August 25, 2017, the Myanmar Army and Buddhist nationalists began mass acts of violence. According to the UN, the number of people who fled from oppression and persecution in Rakhain after August 2017 and found refuge in Bangladesh, exceeded 900 thousand people.

the UN and international human rights organizations call violence against Muslims of Rochin “ethnic cleaning” or “genocide”.