Absurd laws of Germany: man was fined for fed homeless

The absurd actions of the German authorities during the quarantine period continue to cause indignation of the German public. Another similar blatant fact occurred in the city of Hamelm (Lower Saxony).

According to the German media, the cause of the indignation of the city became the incident with which the local volunteer 58-year-old Niko Wolf was faced.

A man often helps homeless people: brings them food, listening to them and gives advice. For his kindness and responsiveness, Niko Shopotal fine.

According to information, Niko went on familiar streets with cooked meatballs.

“no one else helps homeless people. It is sad. Everyone passes by,” he says.

The man went to the square, where they are usually going to need to distribute them to food. Suddenly, the police approached Niko and the penalty of € 232 was discharged. Cause: Meetings more than two people were banned from the end of March 2020.

“I referred to an exception to the rules in the law” On the care for people in need “and” On the supply of food “, – However, the officers did not even listen to me,” recalls Niko. “The district court also did not take my words seriously. He counted that we just sat in the sun, drose meatballs and drink beer. “

According to Niko, all the homeless, who received food, sat from each other at least 1.80 meters, which was not mentioned in the report of law enforcement officers who arrived at the scene. In total, there were five people on the square.

“I am amazed by the absurdity of our system. For the fact that I fed four people, I was discharged a fine. Good praise from the government. Now people will be afraid to help others, since the reward for kindness is completely different now,” the man says.