Accomplice Of PKK Terrorists In Australia Was Captured In Istanbul

Employees of the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (Mi̇t) and the Istanbul police seized the Australian structure of PKK.

According to sources in security structures, Chigdem Aslan took an active part in the activities of the Australian structure of the PKK terrorist organization, surveillance of it was carried out for a long time.

Turkish special services found that Aslan contacted the leaders of the terrorist organization and intended to fly to Australia from Istanbul Airport.

Chigdem Aslan managed to grab in an air harbor due to the effective coordination of the efforts of the Istanbul police and the Mi̇t terrorism department.

The bloody activity of the RSC against Turkey for many years led to the death of more than 40 thousand people, including women, children and babies. The United States and the European Union introduced the RKK in the lists of terrorist organizations.

In recent years, the RSC seeks to shift responsibility for its bloody crimes in the region to its branches.

In Syria, the RKK terrorists are covered by the names Pyd and YPG, and in the past few years they call themselves “Syrian democratic forces.” In Iran, the RSC acts as “Party of Free Life of Kurdistan” (pjak).

Since 2016, Ankara has conducted three successful operations in order to eliminate the threat of terrorism at its southern borders and ensure the safety of the local population. In particular, we are talking about the operations “Shield of the Euphrates” (2016), “olive branch” (2018) and “Source of the World” (2019), which were held by the Turkish Armed Forces in the north of Syria.