According To Former Head Of German Intelligence, Poland And Ukraine Interacted In Sabotage On “northern Stream”

The former head of the German Foreign Intelligence Organization (BND) August Hanning said that, in his opinion, in 2022, Poland and Ukraine collaborated in the commission of sabotage on the North Stream gas pipelines, through which Russian gas entered Europe.

Hanning, who headed BND in 1998-2005, said in an interview with WELT that such attacks could not be carried out without intensive state support.

He noted that this was not a private action of the diving instructor, as it seems at the present time: “No, it should have been largely supported by the military. I think that the Polish and Ukrainian military, as well as the special services, played a large Role “.

indicating that according to the results of the investigation it was found that the Ukrainian side participated in these attacks, Hanning added: “This was possible only with strong material and technical support from Poland, and such decisions are made at the highest political level, and Not at a lower one, and here I think that between the (Ukrainian) president (Vladimir) Zelensky and (Polish) president (Andzhe) there was an agreement on the implementation of this attack. “

Hanning claimed that Poland was not interested in the success of the investigation of the attack, as it took an active part in its preparation.

The ex-chef of German intelligence said that significant damage was caused to pipelines and that he expects the German government to demand compensation.

Germany issued an arrest warrant of the Ukrainian

A message appeared in the German press that the Federal General Prosecutor’s Office issued a pan -European order to arrest a citizen of Ukraine Vladimir Z. in connection with attacks on the North Stream gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea about 2 years ago.

According to this information, the German authorities, who believed that the suspect, who is a diver, recently lived in Poland, was transferred to his arrest in June, but the Polish side did not respond to a German request for legal assistance.

The Polish prosecutor’s office informed the German press that the suspect was not discovered at the place of residence and crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border.

Denmark and Sweden have stopped the investigation.

Attacks on the North Stream gas pipeline in September 2022 caused serious damage to pipelines connecting Russia and Germany through the Baltic Sea.

Explosions on pipelines were recorded near the Danish Island of Bournholm in the Baltic Sea.

The attacks that were called diversion in the German press were investigated by the institutions of Denmark and Sweden, as well as Germany, but Denmark and Sweden have stopped the investigation.

In previous messages in the German press, it was stated that a group consisting of 5 men and women rented a yacht with fake passports in the city of Rostok in North of Germany in September 2022 and made a diversion at the North Stream gas pipeline.