According To Study, Every Third Child In World Suffers From Myopia

According to analytical research, at least every third child in the world suffers from myopia.

The research was conducted by scientists from the Chinese University named after Sun Yatsen and more than five million children and adolescents from 50 countries on different continents were attracted to it.

The authors of the study concluded that by 2050 about 740 million children and young people can suffer from myopia.

The researchers also found that myopia has grown three times to 36 percent from 1990 to 2023, and it became especially noticeable after the pandemic of coronavirus.

Researchers note that the risk of myopia is 7 times more likely in children on the Asian continent, since they begin to study at an earlier age than in Africa.

According to researchers, vision problems are also associated with long -term stay of the screens.

Scientists note that myopia will more likely affect girls, not boys, since they, as a rule, spend less time in the fresh air as they grow older.

“It is very important to admit that myopia can become a global healthcare problem in the future,” the authors of the study write.

The study was published in the “British journal of ophthalmology”.