According To Surveys, Masud Citeral Is Favorite Of Presidential Election In Iran

According to a public opinion poll in Iran, the candidate of Masud Cyzeshkian leads in the second round of the presidential election with 49.5 % of the vote, 43.9 % of the voters preferred the candidate-conservative Said Jali.

Iranian Student Agency for Polls (ISPA) presented the results of a survey conducted on July 3 throughout the country regarding the second round of the presidential election.

During the survey conducted among 3,606 people over 18 years old at 31 provinces of the country, to voters who stated that they will certainly take part in the elections or consider the possibility of participating in them, the question was asked: “If the presidential elections took place right now for whom would you vote between Cyzeshkian and Jalili? “

49.5 % of the survey participants said they would have voted for the reformist candidate of Cyzeshkin, and 43.9 % for the conservative candidate Jalili, the former Secretary General of the Higher Council of National Security.

4.8 % of the participants said they would vote, but have not yet decided, 1.8 % said they would vote “against all.”