Ainur Sabitova criticizes lawyers for indifference to a pandemic

“For two years now, as the world has encountered a coronavirus infection, and the struggle against this universal misfortune continues to today. In this regard, in the countries of the world, preventive measures against COVID-19 are being implemented on the basis of the relevant recommendations and strategies of the World Health Organization. … it is no coincidence that, according to WHO analysis, the risk of distribution of infectious diseases (for example, tuberculosis) in prisons 100 times higher. The prison walls are not an obstacle to the transmission of such diseases from society to penitentiary institutions, “the head of the Office of the Department writate Human Rights and Public Relations Ministry of Justice Ainur Sabitova.

According to A.Sabitov, given the spread of coronavirus infection, WHO in his report states that people contained in prisons and other places of imprisonment live in closed premises and in close proximity to each other, and these conditions contribute to the spread of the disease . In addition, these people are at greater risk than the total population as a whole. All these factors make people in penitentiary institutions more susceptible to infections.

A.Sabitova wrote that taking into account the risk of distribution of coronavirus and announcement of the regime of strict quarantine in our country, meetings were temporarily discontinued with under investigation and arrested, also the reception of imported gifts – and the admission of relevant persons (lawyers, investigators, doctors and Dr.) In the institution was carried out in accordance with the special rules, although in some states the admission of these persons in penitentiary institutions were temporarily prohibited.

In all penitentiary institutions, in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements, the rooms for short meetings were reconstructed, glass partitions and booths equipped with communication facilities were installed, the conditions for holding online meetings with prisoners, as well as carrying out judicial processes in criminal cases through Video conferencing.