Algerian Athletes Threw Roses Into Sena In Memory Of Victims Of “Paris Reverse”

In the capital of France, Paris, the opening of the Summer Olympic Games-2024 took place. About 6,800 athletes on 85 boats solemnly swam six kilometers along the hay river.

SAME SAME, representatives of the Algerian delegation threw red roses into the Red River in memory of the victims of suppression of the French police of immigrants from Algeria in 1961.

French media illuminated the incident, taking up the place of information about the historical background of the bloody incident.

“Parisian massacre of 1961”

The Parisian Massacre of 1961 – The events of October 17, 1961 in the French capital, during which the French police brutally suppressed the action of ethnic Algerians in support of independence in Algeria.

In France on October 5, 1961, a commandant hour was introduced for Algerians living in Paris and its environs.

October 17, 1961, about 30 thousand Algerians reached a peaceful protest against commandant and the struggle for independence in their country.

However, by order of Maurice Pope, who at that time the post of head of the metropolitan police, the action was brutally crushed.

Thousands of people were injured, about 14 thousand were taken into custody. It was not possible to officially determine how many people died.

Witnesses of the massacre and independent sources reported that more than 300 people were killed, most of the police firing.

Eyewitnesses reported that some demonstrators were killed in the garden of the Paris police department or at the metro stations.

France recognized the death of 40 people in 1998, but defined the massacre as a “state crime.”

The National Assembly of France on March 28 adopted a bill condemning the “Parisian massacre of 1961”, however, the document does not be obliging. The text states that the Algerian families who opposed the commandant’s office, introduced by the Paris police only for the “Algerian French French” on October 17, 1961, held a peaceful demonstration.

The document also says that the Algerian demonstrators then encountered cruel and deadly pressure from the police by order of the Papon.