Geneva, 27 September 2021 – The UNGA High-level week marks the two year anniversary of the launch of the Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-being for All (SDG3 GAP). Since its launch in 2019, the world has changed dramatically: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic threatens decades of development gains and the pandemic has exacerbated inequalities.
Recognizing that accelerating towards the SDGs, and in particular towards SDG3, better health and well-being for all, is more urgent than ever, the SDG3 GAP signatory agencies have adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic, and effectively supported countries in building the foundations to get back on track to achieving the health-related SDGs.
To mark the two year anniversary since the launch of the SDG3 GAP, this video brings together the Principals of the 13 signatory agencies to the SDG3 GAP to explain how the agencies are working together to support countries toward an equitable and resilient recovery from COVID-19, what has been achieved so far and what needs to be done next.
SDG3 GAP agencies
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents (the GFF)
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (The Global Fund)
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
United Nations Development Fund (UNDP)
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
World Bank Group
World Food Programme (WFP)
World Health Organization (WHO)