Alliance Of Turkic News Agencies Introduced Logo

Alliance of the Turkic news agencies (Atna) introduced the logo.

Atna approved the design of its logo by voting. Based on the results of the vote, the investigation of the news agency chose the project of the logo submitted by the agency “Kabar”.

Atna was created on November 6, 2023 in Istanbul. Its founders were information agencies from five Turkic states: Azertaj (Azerbaijan), Anadolu agency (Turkey), Kabar (Kyrgyzstan), Gazacontent (Kyrgyzstan) and Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan).

The purpose of creating Atna was to expand cooperation in the collection of news and disseminate reliable information about the situation in Turkic countries and the world.

The first meeting of the Executive Committee of Atna took place on July 21, 2024 in the city of Shusha in Azerbaijan. The meeting was attended by the leaders and representatives of the Anadolu, Azertaj, Kabar, GAZKONTENT and UZA agencies. Currently, ATNA presents the Anadola agency.