Almaty: calls and threats of security in area of responsibility of CSTO are discussing

SEKRETAR of the Council of People’s Commissars of the Russian Federation Sergey Shoigu curled on the increase in the military presence of the countries of the organization on collective security (CSTO).

“The continuous threat to the CSTO member states is the continuing expansion of NATO. The military presence of the alliance is increased on the northern and western borders of the collective security zone, new weapons systems are located. The number of provocations in the airspace is growing, numerous military exercises are held, which are developed in including an invasion of the CSTO countries, ”said Shoigu, whose words are given by Russian media.

In addition, the Secretary of the Council of Security of the Russian Federation attracted attention to the attempts of Western countries to “use Ukraine as weapons against Russia.”

“The Kyiv regime of money and weapons continues, Western military instructors conduct intensive training of Ukrainian military. The efforts of Western states are transferred to Ukraine to Ukraine and militants of international terrorist organizations. With their consent, and often, with their direct participation, systematic shelling of the civilian population is carried out. and civil infrastructure of Russian regions, ”says Shoigu.

According to the Secretary of the Council of People’s Commissars, “these actions pursue a completely understandable goal – to use Ukraine as weapons against Russia.”

“now it has become completely clear that an attempt to inflict a strategic defeat has failed!” – believes Shoigu.

“At the same time, it is also obvious that this will not stop the aggression of the Western countries, since it is dictated by the steadily impending collapse of their hegemony. The robbery system of exploitation of peoples and entire continents that they have, the multipolar world, which is now being formed, will operate According to other laws that do not imply abandoning national interests, identity and sovereignty, ”said Shoigu.

According to him, “trying to preserve their dominance, Westerners are increasingly resorting to economic pressure measures, including sanctions and threats of their use.” “Against this background, the provision of economic, financial, technological and industrial independence of our countries is gaining particular relevance,” Shoigu said.

Secretary of the Council of People’s Commissars of the Russian Federation also expressed concern about the situation in Afghanistan.

“There is a desire to gain a foothold in the region after a shameful flight from the country in 2020,” says Shoigu.

In Almaty, a meeting of the Committee of Secretary of Security Councils of the Organization of the Organization of Collective Security is being held. Issues related to the situation in the CSTO area and measures aimed at neutralizing the calls and threats to the safety of the organization of collective security agreements were made on the agenda, the press service of the Council of Security of the Russian Federation reports.