Almaty Metro attracts attention of tourists with unique design of stations

The Almaty Metro, the first and only in Kazakhstan, attracts the attention of tourists and residents of the city with their stations formalized in national motives.

The construction of the metro line began in 1988 in the city of Almaty at the foot of the Tien Shan, but was suspended with the collapse of the USSR. And on December 1, 2011, the Almaty subway opened its doors for Almaty residents and guests of the capital.

for today it has 11 stations: Ryymbek Batyr, Zhibek Zhola, Almala, Abay, Baikonyr, Mukhtar Auezov Theater, Alatau, Sayran, Moscow , “Saryarka” and “B. Momyshula”

The total length of the metro lines is about 15 km, and passenger traffic per day is about 100 thousand people.

The Almaty Metro is one of the metro systems built in the most difficult underground conditions in the world, since it is located in a mountainous area and is located in a seismic zone.

6 of 11 metro stations are built by deep drilling, the deepest station is at a depth of 78 meters.

– metro stations attract attention with design

The Almaty Metro is one of the most interesting tourist routes of the city. Each station has its own unique design.

In the design of almost all stations, there are national motives in one way or another, in connection with which lovers of photographs for beautiful shots often go down here.

Almala station was designed using motives symbolizing the history of the city, including the symbol of the city – Yabloko.

The walls of the station are faced with marble mosaics, the drawing of which forms a national ornament. Lighting sources are decorative chandeliers and lamps located above the cornices of stainless steel.

Baikonur station is completely designed on the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The architectural and artistic solution of the station creates a modern Hai-Tex interior that imitates the interior of the spacecraft.

Metro stations wearing the names of Kazakh national poets, heroes and historical cities, attract attention with the compliance of the design with their names.