Along with children of Shekhid Azercell allocated scholarships on education and their wives

The leader of the cellular market of Azercell Telecom LLC, since the foundation is different from its social projects, continues to support the families of our shekhid, who have giving life to their homeland during the 44-day Patriotic War. So, within the framework of the current year of the student scholarship, Azercell has awarded scholars of the children of Shekhid, who became students in the past and current years. Along with this, the spouses of Shekhid, who entered the university, will also receive scholarships from the company in the amount of 300 manat for each academic month until the end of the training period. Azercell Telecom pays special attention to the empowerment of women and their professional growth. This initiative will once again make a special contribution to their development.

Note that students’ lists were represented by the public association of support for the families of Shekhid “Zəfər”.

Recall that Azercell supported students who interrupted their studies last year to participate in the 44-day Patriotic War for the liberation of our lands. Within the framework of the student scholarship program, Azercell provided scholarships in the amount of 200 manat 23 students from Baku and the regions of Azerbaijan.

both during and after the 44-day war Azercell pays special attention to the families of Shekhids and veterans, which are an example of honor and dignity for all of us, and acts as the initiator of special social projects: the company took on the care of a family of shehrid; chosen the textured debts of military personnel who died and wounded in the Patriotic War; As part of the social project of the company “Big Memories in Little Hearts”, trainings were organized on the psychological support of children of our servicemen who gave their lives in the name of a great goal, the book of children’s memories of their heroic fathers was also published. In addition, as a tribute to unlimited respect for the glorious Azerbaijani army, on the occasion of Victory Day, Azercell introduced a special tariff package “Veteran Tarifi”, which can use all citizens of the country that have status of war veterans.