Amazon plans to invest another 10 billion euros in Germany

The American company Amazon plans to invest another 10 billion euros in Germany, mainly in cloud Internet services.

In the statement by Amazon Web Services (AWS), a subsidiary of Amazon, which provides cloud computing services, it is said that the company plans to expand the existing infrastructure and activities to spend 8.8 billion euros in the Rhine-Maine region until 2026.

According to this information, Amazon will invest another 1.2 billion euros in logistics centers, robotics and headquarters of the company in Germany. “These investments (10 billion euros) will help satisfy the growing demand for AWS services in Germany, due to the potential of cloud computing and artificial intelligence,” the company says.

On Wednesday, June 19, the top manager of Amazon Andy Jassi and the general director of, Rocko Browniger discussed investments with German Chancellor Olaf Sholtsa.

Last year, AWS announced its intention to create data processing centers in the European Union (EU) in order to meet the requirements for data protection presented by governments and clients from highly regulated industries.

In May, AWS announced plans to invest 7.8 billion euros in Germany.

The total volume of the planned Amazon investment in Germany is 17.8 billion euros. The constant labor of the company in the country is expected to increase by 4 thousand people by the end of the year and reach 40 thousand people.

Since 2010, Amazon has invested in Germany more than 77 billion euros.