Ambassador of Belarus urgently summoned to Moldova Foreign Ministry: due to Lukashenko’s card

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (Middes) of Moldova was summoned by the Belarusian ambassador on March 2. And all because of the card that the day before the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, showed at a meeting with the Security Council. Published by the press service of the Belarusian president Photo Map of hostilities caused discontent in Moldavian society.

“Yes, a meeting of the Secretary of State of Midey Ruslana Bulobochan and Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus Anatoly Kalinin in our ministry took place in our ministry, – said Komsomolka Press Secretary of the Office of Daniel Vodo. – Mr. Ambassador noted the incorrect provision of information from the Ministry of Defense of Belarus. And in this context Our Secretary of State emphasized the need for a public commentary of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus, which would allow this misunderstanding to understand. So that there is no disinformation.

Our colleagues from the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus are preparing an appropriate press release. The ambassador noted that it was simply an incorrect provision of information from the Ministry of Defense. “

As reported by Interfax in the press service of the Moldova Foreign Ministry, the card was shown in the video record from the meeting of the Security Council of Belarus. It was a military map in Ukraine, indicating a potential strike towards Moldova, according to it, President Alexander Lukashenko explained the situation with the Russian military operation.

The press service of the Moldova Foreign Ministry also addressed the country’s residents with a call to calmness and asked to inform from official and reliable sources.