American actor and director Mel Gibson, commenting on the ongoing forest fires in Los Angeles, said that although he can put forward “terrible theories” about incidents, he prefers to focus on discussing the problem of “lack of water” when extinguishing fires.
In an interview with Fox News, Gibson said that, despite all the possible theories of the conspiracy, it is much more appropriate to talk about the lack of water, weather conditions and the presence of people who are ready to start a fire.
69-year-old actor, whose property in Malibu in the amount of $ 14.5 million was destroyed by fire, noted that it was unclear whether fires were the result of someone’s intentions or whether the “fire instigators” acted of their own free will.
“In such events, you begin to think: did it do it consciously? This, of course, is a crazy thought. But a person begins to think if they have any goal,” he said.
Gibson added that fires in California remind him of the actions of old cattle breeders who purified the land from people.
In addition, Gibson touched on the problem of California water resources, emphasizing that “water disappears” and that the tanks are empty for unknown reasons.
At the moment, as a result of fires that began on January 7 and quickly spread due to strong winds, 24 people were killed in Los Angeles, and 16 people are listed as missing.