American scientists have created first zombies in world

American scientists created the first zombies in the world. They were revived an hour after death, reports Baza.

A team of scientists from Yale University successfully tested the Organex resuscitation system. For this, the researchers stopped the hearts of almost one hundred pigs that were under anesthesia. An hour later, animals were connected to a special apparatus – it imitates the beating of the heart and artificially distiliates the blood, saturating it with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide.

In the course of the experiment, scientists opened the pigs to see how Organex influenced their organs. It turned out that the system restored electrical activity in the hearts of animals, and also stopped the death of cells, while maintaining the integrity of the brain, liver and kidneys.

The organex pigs are fully reanimated, of course, yet cannot. But scientists already call technology a breakthrough in medicine. In the future, they want to improve the development and use in public – for example, it will preserve more donor organs for transplantation.

Moreover, researchers hope that someday Organex will be pulled out of the world and ordinary patients. However, this is still far from this: although the system passed tests on pigs, I still did not return consciousness to them.