Americans banned kissing chickens

The US Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC) urged citizens to refuse kisses with homemade chickens due to the salmonellosis outbreak, transmits “BBC.”

Americans were asked not to kiss and not press to themselves chickens, chickens and roosters. In addition, citizens advised to abandon interaction with ducks, even if they look healthy and clean. “With these actions, the microbes can get into the mouth and cause the disease,” they emphasized in the American department.

Citizens also advised her hands thoroughly after contact with birds and not allow them to touch them. In the Center for the Control and Prevention of US Diseases added that bacteria also easily distributed in the locations of chickens and ducks.

At the moment, 163 people got sick salmonelles in 43 people. The authorities suggest that citizens have become infected with a living with a living poultry. A third of the sicks make up children under five years old. Since last February, 34 patients with Salmonellosis were in the hospital. Dead not.