Americans expect a civil war

half of the Americans expects the outbreak of civil war in the coming years, reports Daily Mail with reference to research.

Researchers from the University of California in Davis during polls revealed critical levels of “alienation” and “distrust” in society. According to surveys, half of the Americans await the outbreak of the Second Civil War in the United States in the coming years, and more than 40% agree with the “theory of the Great Substitution of the Population”, according to which white people want to replace “black”.

According to the researchers, the results “surpassed our worst expectations.” Of particular concern is the growing tendency to settle political disputes by violence. Almost the fifth of the respondents said that they would most likely be armed with a gun during a political outbreak in the coming years, and 4 percent – that they are likely to “shoot someone from the pistol.”

However, according to Garren vintem, an expert in the field of public health, there is a “ground for hope”, since most respondents have completely rejected political violence. ”