An Ankara Exhibition Is Held In AI-Cartin, Dedicated To Fight Against Cancer

In Ankara, an exhibition of pictures generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and reflecting the emotions of 20 oncobic from the moment of diagnosis to complete recovery.

The exhibition called “The Path of Emotions” is organized by the Association of Solidarity of Oncologists Uludaga and the Association “Dancing with Cancer”.

The head of the NPO “Turkish Association of Medical Oncology” (TTOD), Professor Nuri Karadurmush told Anadol that the fight against cancer is a very complex and long marathon and makes the patient think about death, even if diagnosed at an early stage.

The professor attracted attention to the significance of the project to assist cancer patients, for which the word “death” weakens the hope of recovery. “The better our mental health, the better our physical health and the more effective our fight against cancer will be,” Karadurmush said, adding that such exhibitions are planned to be organized throughout Turkey.

The professor emphasized that the oncological disease is categorically not to be perceived as a “irresistible enemy”

The main goal of the organizers of the exhibition is to help patients with cancer start a complex marathon, filled with hope.

According to him, AI helped most accurately reflect the internal state of cancer patients at different stages of the disease.

He attracted attention to the fact that incorrect information on social networks can sometimes negatively affect treatment.

“Unfortunately, this can throw us back and put our patients in a hopeless situation before we proceed to treatment. It is necessary to provide information without depriving hope, telling the truth in such a way that this makes it possible to decisively enter into a struggle and continue Her, ”he added.

Cancer teaches us “speak no”

Seville Gürkan, President of the Dancing Association with Cancer spoke about her own experience of victory over cancer.

According to Gürkan, the timely diagnosis and effective chemotherapy had its fruits.

“Cancer teaches us to speak” no. “He teaches” first I. “. Not in terms of selfishness, but in terms of the fact that a person does everything he wants. He walks, if he wants. He wants, takes pictures. I personally love very much To remove the sunset on the beach.