An unusual symptom of “Omikron”

Skin rash can indicate “Oomikron” infection, writers of the British newspaper Daily Express wrote, who studied the data of the application Zoe Covid Study.

“Different painting patients on the skin differ from each other. Someone complained about the strong itching, others, on the contrary, noted that the swelling does not bother in any way,” the article says. It is specified that rash may appear in the early stages of infection and persist for a long time.

Medical company Zoe together with doctors and scientists from British universities developed an application in which people with confirmed “Oomikron” -SMM Coronavirus voluntarily described the symptoms.

According to a new data analysis from the Zoe application, in Britain has recently increased the number of cases in which the symptoms of infection “Omicron” coincided with the symptoms of an ordinary cold.

Earlier to the signs of infection with Omicron also called the nasal congestion, dry cough and painful feelings in the lower back.