Ankara rejects speculations about her policy in Middle East and Syria

Ankara rejects the accusations regarding her policy in the Middle East and Syria, considering them unreasonable and distorted. This is stated in the statement of the Foreign Ministry of Turkey.

“Of course, in a democratic society, constructive criticism contributes to foreign policy. However, the distortion of reality and voiced for the sake of political benefits of the prosecution, heated by ideological fanaticism, does not fall under this category,” the statement said.

The department emphasized that accusations regarding the policy of Turkey in the Middle East and in Syria in particular, “deprived of analysis and elementary knowledge of history.”

The Foreign Ministry emphasized that Türkiye in its foreign policy is guided by national interests. The ministry confirmed Ankara’s commitment to the establishment of “peace, stability and prosperity” in the Middle East region, with which it is associated with “strong historical and cultural bonds.”

The diplomatic mission reminded that Turkey from the very beginning of the Syrian crisis took a fundamental position, maintaining adherence to “international law, humanitarian values ​​and global justice”.

It is noted that Turkey took “the necessary measures in order to counteract threats of its national security”, while remaining a stabilizing force in the restless region.

The Foreign Ministry indicated that Turkey “successfully supports peace and stability, increasing national well -being and security.”

The department drew attention to the fact that the strengthening of the defense potential of Turkey allowed it to fight terrorism outside the boundaries of the country.

The statement notes that the “unfounded political accusations” serve the interests of the non -regional powers trying to influence the region. “

The Foreign Ministry emphasized that in its foreign policy Turkey will continue to be priority to the “interests of the state and nation.”