Anomalous Heat In USA Took Lives Of At Least 27 People

Anomalous heat that has been falling on many US states last week, carried away the lives of at least 27 people.

According to the newspaper Washington Post, an abnormal heat affected about 146 million people in such American states as California, Nevada, Arizona, Oregon, Washington and Aidaho.

The thermometer columns in the city of Las Vegas (Nevada) rose to 48.8 degrees, and to 47.7 degrees in the city of Barstou (California). Record temperatures are observed in many regions, and mainly in the West of the United States.

Meteorologists reported that hot weather will remain until the end of the week, and also warned about the need to be careful.

The American authorities reported that the abnormal heat took away the lives of 14 people in California, 10 in Oregon, 2 in Maryland and 1 in Arizona. Health specialists note that among those who died from the heat, not only elderly people over 65, but also young.

In the USA in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of deaths due to abnormal heat. In particular, in 2021, the number of such cases was about 1600, in 2022 – 1700, and in 2023 – 2300.