Another seven bus routes in Baku are moving to cashless payment

The introduction of non-cash payments in passenger transportation continues. In accordance with the instructions of the head of state, it was already possible to make a transparent 35% of the total turnover of the capital’s distribution network. It is very effective from the point of view of increasing tax payments, the design of labor relations, improving the social well-being of drivers and other workers, reported HAQQı in the Baku Transport Agency.

The system of cashless payments is important for solving such important issues as passenger traffic safety, and also has a positive impact on structural and qualitative changes in the development of entrepreneurship in this sector. Currently, about 600 thousand passengers use the services of a non-cash payment system.

From May 17 to May 20, the unified system of cashless payment will be integrated buses of another 7 route lines:

17.05.2021 – Routes №29 and 81;

18.05.2021 – Routes number 71 and 83;

19.05.2021 – Routes number 53 and 66;

20.05.2021 – Route №31.

After that, travel in the specified buses will be paid through “Bakıkart” and the total number of routes integrated to the Bakıkart system will reach 60.

Work on the transition to a cashless payment system continues on other regular routes. In accordance with the workflow, it will be gradually integrated into a non-cash payment system and other route lines. Information about this will be provided in advance.