Antoniu Gutherrish: an acceptable level of hate language does not exist

The Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) Antoniu Guterrish said: “There is no acceptable level of hatred language, and we all have to work on its complete eradication.”

GUERRISH made a written statement on the occasion of “International Day of Combating the Language of Hate”.

The Secretary General said that the language of hatred is an indicator of discrimination, abuse, violence, conflicts and even crimes against humanity. Guterres noted that its consequences were visible in Nazi Germany, Rwanda, Bosnia and other places.

“There is no acceptable level of the language of hatred, we must all work to completely eradicate it,” he said.

According to politician, the language of hatred is often aimed at a wide range of groups on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, beliefs or political views. Guterres warned: “In recent months, we have been observing the growth of anti -Semitic and anti -Muslim statements on social networks and in public speeches of leaders.”

He recalled that, in accordance with international law, the state is obliged to prevent and suppress inciting hatred: “The Strategy and Action of the UN Action to combat inciting hatred ensure the basis for the struggle both with the causes and the consequences of this disaster.”

GUERRISH noted that young people are a group that is most affected by the language of hatred, and therefore it should become part of the solution to the problem.

“Governments, local authorities, religious, institutional and public leaders are obliged to invest in measures to encourage tolerance, diversity and inclusiveness and confront all forms of hatred,” the UN Secretary General emphasized.

On June 18, 2021, the UN General Assembly announced on June 18 “an international day of the fight against hated rhetoric” in order to “promote inter -religious and intercultural dialogue and tolerance in the fight against hated rhetoric.”