Armenia: Control Of Third Country Or Private Companies Over Zangesur Is Unlikely

Armenia Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan said that Armenia opens against ensuring control and security by the third country or private companies in the case of the opening of the transport line connecting Azerbaijan with Nakhichevan, which, as planned, will pass through the Sunik district.

Minister Mirzoyan made a statement for the press after a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel, who arrived in Armenia on an official visit.

Mirzoyan answered the question of one of the media representatives about the transfer of road protection (Zangezur), connecting Azerbaijan with Nakhichevan through the Sunik district, to civilian companies:

“The issue of creating a pass and transferring its control to any side is not discussed. We have already said that the presence of third forces or the control of third forces are unlikely and unacceptable for Armenia, and this position has not changed. It is only about ensuring that A private company authorized by both countries controlled passengers or goods, as one of the options that must be discussed in order to increase the trust between people a little, or the placement of a private company on the transport route, in this case, on the railway line, which It should be open in the future, have never been acceptable to us and is still not such. “

Speaking about negotiations on a peace treaty with Azerbaijan, Mirzoyan said that there were 16 articles in the text of the text, the full consent was reached under 13 articles, and the partial one was 3 each, and recalled that they proposed to sign a peaceful agreement, including coordinated articles .