As Result Of Attack In Pakistan, At Least 23 People Died

at least 23 people died as a result of an armed attack on a highway in Belujistan in Pakistan.

According to the Pakistani media, the armed faces blocked the road at night in the area of ​​the Rarashas of the Musahail district, landed passengers from buses and trucks, checked the documents, and then opened them at them.

The militants also betrayed the fire of at least ten vehicles. It is reported that the victims of the terrorists became passengers from Penjab.

Police and ambulances arrived in the area of ​​the incident, the wounded and the bodies of the dead were delivered to the nearest hospitals.

President of Pakistan ASSIF Ali Zardari and the country’s Prime Minister Shakhbaz Sharif condemned the attack, emphasizing the determination of the Pakistanese authorities to fight terrorism with the previous determination. Sharif assured that terrorists will suffer proper punishment.

Prime Minister of the Province of Belujistan Sarfaraz Bugti also condemned a terrorist attack on civilians and stated that the militants would be captured.

A similar attack occurred in the NOSKA area in BelUDZHISTAN in April, when terrorists killed nine passengers who arrived from Penjab.

In Pakistan, terrorist attacks have become more frequent

In recent years, terrorist attacks have become more frequent in Pakistan. Attacks most often take place in the provinces of Haiber-Pakhtunchi and Belujan, bordering Afghanistan.

In both provinces, armed groups attacked the Pakistani security forces and civilians under the pretext of protecting the rights of ethnic minorities – Pashtun and Beluji.

Islamabad claims that Pakistani Taliban (TTP) organize attacks from Afghanistan. In Kabul, these accusations are rejected.

The attacks are also made by the Group “Liberation Army of Belujistan (OAB), requiring the separation of the Belujistan province from Pakistan and the transfer of Beluji.