Aselsan Turkish Company Plans To Expand Its Activities With Azerbaijan

Aselsan General Akhmet Akhol announced the expansion of the company’s activities in Azerbaijan and joint production with local partners.

The general director of the Turkish company took part in the 5th Azerbaijan International Defense Exhibition (ADEX-2024) in Baku.

In an interview with an anadol correspondent, Akyol gave an assessment of the Asselsan global goals in Azerbaijan.

Akyol recalled that Aselsan opened its first international branch in Baku in the 1990s, thus becoming one of the first international companies in Azerbaijan in the period after independence after the collapse of the USSR.

CEO noted that the company has a very good past in Azerbaijan, as it supported the country in the most difficult times for it.

“thousands of ASELSAN products are used in Azerbaijani security units and civilian facilities. We expand our company here and are on the time of joint production with local partners. In the coming period, you will see that part of the Aselsan products are produced in Baku and is offered to the whole world “, – said Akyol.

According to the general director, Aselsan has been offering national technologies in all areas since its creation.

“We started with the production of portable means of communication, then moved to defense electronics and went to the international arena. Our next goal is to promote our current position in the world even higher by expanding international cooperation and export. We are moving towards achieving a step. Together with more than 11 thousand employees, most of which are engineers. he noted.

More than 1 million users in Turkey use Aselsan products

Aquole also commented on explosions of communication devices in Lebanon, which led to the death and wound of the country’s inhabitants.

“The basis of all the products we are discussing are communication. Artificial intelligence is so effective, since it is able to transmit all the data,” the general director said.