Austria deportes son of Azerbaijani political immigrant – Oktai Azimov

The Austrian authorities decided to deport the 16-year-old schoolboy from Azerbaijan Oktai Azimov, reports with reference to Nön (“Nizhny Austria News”).

In 2017, he together with his father came to Germany in an Austrian visa, and a year later they asked asylum in Austria, as the young man himself says, “for political reasons.”

In October 2019, Oktay was denied permission. Then the Federal Asylum Affairs Department rejected an appeal, and later the same decision was made by the Administrative and Constitutional Courts

“On December 15, I received a letter about what I need to leave Austria,” Nön’s schoolboy quotes. – Return to the Motherland will be associated with difficulties, especially in connection with my further training. We have a completely different school system. Because My age will be difficult for me to integrate into the educational process. In the first years I had good estimates, but now they have worsened, because because of the failures in Austria, I can no longer concentrate on study. “

It will be appropriate to remind you that many of those who want to get refuge in Europe are trying to deceive local migration authorities, stating alleged political persecution in their homeland. If earlier such options were often rolled, in recent years, European countries have become carefully approaching the study of each such case and in the overwhelming majority of applicants asylum seekers later send home.