In France, they canceled the state contract with the Lyceum of the Averroes (Ibni Ryuchd) – one of the leading educational institutions in the country where children of Muslims receive education.
According to Le Parisien, the Governor of the French region, O-de-France Georges Francue Leclerc, made the corresponding decision.
Leclerc explained the decision by the fact that the training provided to the lyceum “does not fully comply with” the expectations of the curriculum of the Ministry of National Education of France in terms of “source and content”.
The authorities of the region noted a shortage in the curriculum of resources on such topics as “culture, intergery relations, homosexuality”.
They also believe that in the curriculum, the volume of information on Islam exceeds the number of topics regarding other religions.
Among other things, some teachers working in the lyceum opposed the republican values, the authorities of O-de-France believe.
The decision will lead to the fact that the lyceum will lose regular teachers and half a million euro of state assistance from the annual budget.
A special education consulting commission gathered in November, at the direction of the Governor of the O-de France, voted for terminating the contract concluded with the school in 2008.
The federation of French Muslims in response said that they were in solidarity with the teachers of the Lyceum Averroes.
The educational institution is located in the city of Lil. The Lyceum began working in 2003 and was the first to open his doors for Muslims, who could not go to other educational institutions due to wearing shawls. The success indicator of the receipt of Averroes graduates to universities is more than 90 percent.
In addition to the lyceum, in which the number of students increased over several years, the Averroes secondary school began to work in 2012. Today, more than 800 students study in high school and the Averroes Lyceum.