Azerbaijan: 81% Of Respondents Fully Support Policy Of Ilham Aliyev

A survey conducted in Azerbaijan revealed that the majority of the population supports President Ilham Aliyev’s policy.

According to a survey conducted by the Italian company SWG SPA on July 15 – August 15, throughout Azerbaijan, on the eve of the universal elections on September 1, 81 percent of the respondents fully support Aliyev’s policy, and 10 percent support it partially.

5 percent of the survey participants said that they did not support Aliyev’s policy, and 4 percent did not express their opinion.

Candidates of 25 political parties, including the New Azerbaijan party, the chairman of which is President Aliyev, and independent candidates will take part in the general elections that will be held in Azerbaijan on September 1.

In the elections 1052, candidate will fight for 125 seats in the legislative body of Azerbaijan Milli Majlis.