Azerbaijan Celebrates Day Of Restoration Of Independence 18 October

In Azerbaijan, on Wednesday, the 33rd anniversary of the restoration of independence is celebrated.

until 2021 on October 18, Azerbaijan was celebrated as the Day of State Independence of Azerbaijan. However, on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the important date, Milli Majlis (parliament) adopted a bill according to which Independence Day will be celebrated annually on May 28 (previously the Day of the Republic), and on October 18 is proclaimed as the day of independence restoration.

On the formation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, which is considered the first democratic state of the Muslim East, was declared on May 28, 1918 by the National Council, chaired by Mameda Emin Rasulzade.

Two years later, the Red Army entered Azerbaijan. Thus, Azerbaijan only on October 18, 1991 reappeared in the historical arena as an independent state.

Despite the fact that Azerbaijanis lived under the oppression of Soviet power for 70 years, they never forgot that they had a state that granted equal rights to all citizens, regardless of gender, racial, religious and confessional affiliation.

The mass mass, which the Soviet Army arranged on January 20, 1990 in Baku and other areas of Azerbaijan completely undermined the trust of the Azerbaijani people to the USSR and accelerated the processes leading the country to independence.

August 30, 1991, the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan, which at that time served the role of parliament, adopted the declaration of independence. In September 1991, the Supreme Council at his meetings discussed the release of Azerbaijan from the USSR.

The Supreme Council on October 18, 1991 by a majority vote adopted the “Constitutional Act on State Independence of the Azerbaijan Republic.” In the document of the USSR, he was called the invader, and Azerbaijan was declared the successor of the republic created in 1918.

by the decision of the Supreme Council on December 29, 1991, a referendum was organized, during which almost the entire population of Azerbaijan voted for independence.