Azerbaijan Foreign Ministry Decisively Condemned Terrorist Attack At Object Of Turkish Airlines Company Tusaş

Azerbaijan Foreign Ministry decisively condemned the terrorist attack at the Tusaş Turkish Airlines Object in Ankara.

This is stated in the publication of the foreign policy of Azerbaijan on the social network X.

“Yes, the Almighty of the dead will rest and the healing of the healing of the wounded as a result of this vile terrorist act. Azerbaijan is always next to fraternal Turkey!” The publication says.

The attack on the object Tusaş

As a result of the attack at the facility of the Turkish Airlines Company, Tusaş 4 people were killed, another 14 were injured, said the Minister of Internal Affairs of Turkey Ali Yerlika.

According to the minister, two terrorists who attacked are neutralized. One of the terrorists is a woman, Yerlika specified.

The head of the department called on the public to trust only official sources regarding what happened.

The Minister of Internal Affairs said that three of the 14 people who suffered as a result of a terrorist attack at the Tusaş object in the Khramancan area of ​​the Turkish capital are in serious condition.

“Work on the identification of terrorists continues. As soon as their individuals are known, we will inform you what kind of terrorist organization this is,” the minister said. Yerlika emphasized Turkey’s determination in the fight against everyone who encroaches on the unity of the Turkish people.