Azerbaijan President emphasized importance of determining new areas of cooperation with ABR

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev accepted the chairman of the Asian Development Bank Masatsuu Asakava.

The head of state said that the visit of the President of the Asian Development Bank to the regions of the republic is a good opportunity to obtain detailed information about the processes of development in the country and continuing the close cooperation of Azerbaijan with this bank.

Aliyev expressed gratitude for the support of Azerbaijan’s economy, which is important for both the country and regional cooperation.

The Head of State highly appreciated the unambiguous support of the Asian Bank of Development, in particular, during some financial delays from European financial institutions on projects for transporting Azerbaijani natural gas. In this regard, the President of Azerbaijan reminded the words he had previously said that, while Azerbaijan provides Europe with gas, European banks showed their readiness to provide funding, and the Asian Bank for Development did this.

Aliyev emphasized that with the development of Azerbaijan, new goals and challenges related to the establishment of strong economic ties with neighboring Caspian countries and other regions are faced with her. In this regard, the head of state emphasized the importance of determining new directions in order to continue fruitful cooperation with the Asian Bank for Development.

During the conversation, the issues of production and export of green energy were raised.

Noting the importance of creating green energy zones in Azerbaijan, including the construction of hydroelectric power plants in territories liberated from occupation, the head of state said that hydropower potential with a capacity of up to 270 megavatts has already been created in these territories, and said that it was discussed to build up to 500 Megavatts.

During the conversation, the issues of cooperation on the North-South railway project were raised, an exchange of views on the further expansion of ties of Central Asia with Azerbaijan in the transport sphere.