Azerbaijan Will Become Chairman Of Union Of Ski Resorts Of Turkic States

In Istanbul, a memorandum was signed on the creation of the Union of ski resorts of the Turkic states. On Monday, September 23, Azerbaijani State Media reports citing Azerbaijani Tourism Association.

According to the document, the chairmanship and General Secretariat of the Union for the first two years were transferred to Azerbaijan.

The event was attended by representatives of the mountain resorts of Azerbaijan (Tourist Center “Shakhdag”), Turkey (“Uludag”), Uzbekistan (“Amirsa”) and Kazakhstan (“Shymbulak”).

At the meeting, representatives of the participating states made presentations about the potential and tourist attractiveness of their mountain resorts.

The event of the event discussed the development of mountain resorts against the background of the progress of the tourism sector, the development of cooperation between centers, creating partnerships, increasing tourist attractiveness, developing joint projects, exchange of information and experience, as well as creating training programs for the formation of professional specialists, and developing marketing programs Strategies, holding joint events, creating unified ski passes, expanding participants in the Union of ski resorts of the Turkic states and a number of other issues.

The meeting also took an exchange of views on the development of tourism in the Turkic states in accordance with the “Turkic vision – 2040” and the “Development Strategy for the Turkic states for 2022-2026” of the organization of the Turkic states.