Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry Calls Netherlands To Abandon One -sided Position

We resolutely reject the next two anti -azerbaijani resolutions adopted on October 10 by the House of Representatives of the Parliament of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

About this on Saturday, on October 12, the foreign policy of Azerbaijan announced.

The Foreign Ministry believes that the expression on the part of the Foreign Minister of the Netherlands of the Kaspar Veldkamppa during his speech in support of these biased resolutions, as well as calls for the release of representatives of the former separatist regime and terrorists arrested by Azerbaijan, classifying them to the “prisoner of war”, unacceptable.

“is regretted that in these documents and opinions the military occupation of the territory of Azerbaijan and ethnic cleaning from Armenia, as well as the ongoing territorial claims of Armenia to Azerbaijan are completely ignored,” said the Foreign Ministry

According to the document, the Dutch side that overwhelmed such war crimes as the destruction, insult and appropriation of our cultural and religious heritage, as well as the illegal export of Armenia of cultural values ​​from our country during military aggression against Azerbaijani and the occupation of our lands, and Contrary to the Gaga Convention of 1954, it has no moral right to argue that Azerbaijan allegedly aimed at Armenian monuments based on the false propaganda of Armenians.

Moreover, the distortion of the goals and objectives of local anti -terrorism measures carried out by Azerbaijan in September last year, in the opinions expressed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, is a vivid example of double standards in relation to our country. We would like to recall once again that these measures are aimed at eliminating military threats against Azerbaijan and the termination of the existence of illegal military units.

The Foreign Ministry’s statement emphasizes that the persons mentioned in statements as “prisoners of war” are people accused of separatism, committing deliberate murders, torture, terrorist acts and other crimes against humanity in Azerbaijan. Of course, Azerbaijan has both the right and an international obligation to hold these people liable in accordance with international law, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions, the International Convention on the Combation of Recruitment, Use, Financing and Learning of Mercenaries, as well as internal legislation. Therefore, all the opinions expressed against Azerbaijan on this issue do not matter.

Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry calls for the Dutch side to abandon its one-sided position, which contradicts the world in the region and creates tension in Azerbaijani-Niderland relations.