Azercell Telecom – General Sponsor “Baku Marathon-2022”

May 15 at the initiative and when organizing the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, “Baku Marathon-2022” will be held, the general sponsor of which is Azercell Telecom LLC.

This year “Baku Marathon”, which has become an important event in the sports calendar of Azerbaijan, notes his anniversary. For five years, thousands of sports lovers from Azerbaijan and from around the world are competing in the Baku Marathon, passing under the motto “Be the Wind”. This time the marathon will delight fans of a healthy lifestyle with a new route. In this case, the starting and end points of the marathon will be located in one place. Participants will gather on the Public Flag Square, will overcome the distance at 21 kilometers and return to the same point. This innovation will allow unprepared participants before returning to the starting point to meet the winners.

To participate in the marathon, it is necessary to register in specially trained points located in the shopping centers 28 Mall, Gənclik Mall and Dəniz Mall or on the Baku Marathona-2022 website ( )

It should be noted that Azercell Telecom LLC is the general sponsor of the Baku Marathon since 2017. This year, the Azercell Telecom LLC, as well as employees and corporate clients of the company, traditionally take part in the marathon.

Azercell, promoting a healthy lifestyle throughout its activities, invites you to join the Baku Marathon and wishes all of his success participants!