Badalov confused iron with marijuana and went to prison for 6 years

In the Ganjin Court for serious crimes, the trial in the criminal case of 51-year-old Tair Badalov, a resident of the Geranboa district accused of illegal trafficking in large-scale and storage of firearms.

was completed.

According to Haqqı, as a result of the operation conducted by the employees of the Samukh district police department, on February 27 of this year near the Gosha Chinar cafe located near the Nabiagali -Chobanabdallah road, Tair Badalov was detained on suspicion of acquiring and storing drugs in Large size. When examining the bag in the hands of Badalov, the guardians found 3 kilograms of 640 grams of marijuana, as well as a hunting rifle with a trimmed trunk.

The accused Tair Badalov pleaded guilty. In his testimony, he stated that he lived alone in the village of Muzdurlar, the Geranboa district, did not communicate with his family, worked as a little worker, added to alcohol and for the last two years he consumed marijuana.

“I used to go to work in Ganju. When there was no work, I spent the night in the city station,” says Badalov.

According to Badalov’s testimony, he discovered a black package under the bridge, when, as usual, he went to the labor market in the morning.

“I thought that maybe there was iron, I could sell like scrap metal. I broke a plastic bag and saw that it was dried marijuana. There was also a weapon in the bag,” the accused said.

According to Badalov, he intended to get rid of weapons, dropping it into Kuru, and hide drugs in the Samukh district for further use. On the way to the railway station, the man decided to go to the cafe in the village of Nabiagali and have a bite, but on the way he was detained by police officers.

by a decision of the court of Tair Badalov, they sentenced to 6 years and 6 months in prison.