November 7, 2024, the vessels floating under the flag of Azerbaijan, in connection with the worsening of weather conditions, were forced to enter the territorial waters of the Eritrea state. This is stated in the message of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan.
According to the report, the ships of CMS Pəhləvan, CMS İgid and CMS-3, which are in operation of the Azerbaijani branch of Caspian Marine Services B.V, followed the route to Abu Dhabi (UAE) through the Suez Canal.
The department said that, despite the preliminary connection with the port authorities of Eritrea during the transition, due to the impossibility of the timely provision of the necessary information, the entrance of the country into the territorial waters of the country was regarded as unauthorized.
“As a result, the corresponding departments of Eritrea detained the above vessels. There were 18 crew members on board, all of them are citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan. After the initial information about the incident on November 7, 2024 entered the Foreign Ministry, the ministry urgently responded to the incident and took the question Under the control of the necessary measures of legal substantiation that the entry into the territorial waters of the state of Eritrea does not contradict international legal norms, the corresponding note through the Azerbaijani embassies in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Russian Federation, ”the foreign ministry said in a statement Azerbaijan.
The Foreign Ministry added that work continues to resolve the issue, release of courts and crew, as well as the provision of the necessary consular legal assistance.