Baku: discussed expansion of customs cooperation between Turkic Countries

Today in the State Customs Committee a meeting was held with the delegations of Turkey and Uzbekistan, organized by the Council of Cooperation of the Turkic World (TDəş).

The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee, Major General of the Customs Service Javad Gasimov, heads of the relevant structures of the Committee, Deputy Secretary General Tdəş Gismet Gezalov, Mirvorkid Azimov, Deputy Minister of Transport of Uzbekistan Abdusamat Muminov, representatives of the customs and transport structures of this country , Head of the Board of Directors of the Association of International Carriers of Turkey Alper Lake.

Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee, Javad Gasimov, spoke with satisfaction about cooperation in the framework of Tdəş and noted that this cooperation successfully continues in the customs sphere. Stressing important steps in the direction of increasing the transit potential of our country, the Deputy Chairman of the Committee noted the importance of expanding the exchange of experience and electronic information for this purpose.

Javad Gasimov noted that agreements were reached with a number of countries in this area, which, along with the effective management of customs risks, creates favorable conditions for simplifying customs procedures, accelerate the border crossing processes. He also noted that Azerbaijan implements large-scale projects to develop international trade, further expanding transit opportunities, and strengthening cooperation between Turkic-speaking states will make an important contribution to this sector.

The Deputy Secretary-General Tdəş Gismet Gezalov, Mirvorhid Azimov, Deputy Minister of Transport of Uzbekistan Abdusamate Muminov and other persons who expressed their opinion on the expansion of customs cooperation between Turkic-speaking states, an increase in transit traffic, strengthening information, emphasized the importance of studying the experience of Azerbaijani Customs in the field of digitalization, the introduction of information technology and the “one window” principle.