Baku handed over to Yerevan two citizens of Armenia

Azerbaijan, once again guided by the principles of humanism, transferred to Armenia of two persons of Armenian origin.

As reported in the State Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the cases of prisoners and missing citizens taken hostage, one of the submitted persons – Aramed Arin Zhirayevich, 1993, detained on November 16, 2021 as a result of the provocation of Armenia during the combat Operations at the state border. During this time, Aramyan was provided with the necessary medical care and treatment was carried out.

The second transmitted – Musalean Mikhran Ernest, 2000.R., was detained at the entrance to the territory where the Azerbaijani servicemen are held, in the direction of the Agdam district. As a result of the preliminary investigation, Musalean Mikhran is a civilian. Having gotten up from the way, he drove into the territory where the Azerbaijani servicemen carry service.